ConcertExpress the new concert bus service from is returning for 2025!


  • Dublin's Fastest and Most Reliable Concert Bus Service!
  • Take the Stress out of Organising Transport with ConcertExpress!
  • No Hassle, No Capacity Issues!
  • Great Value!


We'll be covering more concerts and adding more routes to help get you to and from all your favourite events.


The Malahide Concerts are already being announced, so be sure to book your concert bus at the same time as you purchase your concert tickets!


Early bird tickets on sale now - Save €5!


How does it work?
Bus tickets can only be purchased online!
  • Select Concert
  • Choose Route
  • Book Online
  • Receive Voucher Via Email
  • Board Bus & Scan Voucher
You must produce voucher for scanning!
Iron Maiden - Early Bird Tickets on Sale
four men with guitars
Single to Dublin City
Ratoath Ashbourne Swords
Justin Timberlake - Early Bird Tickets on Sale
man playing guitar
Single to Dublin City
Ratoath Ashbourne Swords
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